Thursday, April 15, 2010

If you want to be my friend on OurWorld, just tell me your name on OurWorld then i'll know who you are when you send me a friend request.

How to kill your sim on The Sims 2

On the sims 2 for ps2, you don't get as much stuff. On the deluxe version, (the computer version) you sim can die if there are too many flies in the house. You sim also can die of old age, your sim gets older and older everyday. If you want to kill your sim fast, there is a "death" recipe. You have to buy the most exspensive fridge, then: lama, eel, squid, and fauxlestra. Another way to kill your sim, is to not take care of your sim, but it will take longer to kill you sim if you do it this way.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Flow Cheat

If you type in the chat box: test-mode 42, enter, cryptobiologist, enter. BAM! You have flow! The first time: 9 flow, then the next day, 10 flow, you gain 1 flow every time you type it in. You can only use it once a day.

Come Play On OurWorld!

Come and visit me on OurWorld. If you want to be my friend, my user name is: LOL Cookie.At the top of the page, there's a link to OurWorld.

News On

There are two ways to become a resident.One of the ways is: When you log in, this thing pops up, if you click: Upgrade, then you become a resident for a year and pay, $59.99. The other way is to: Go to the upper right corner, where it says get gems for free. Move your mouse down until it says: $10 Mail-In Special . Click it.Then it asks you to log into your account. Log in, then it says: Click Here To Download Coupon, click on that.Then click open, print it. Fill it out, then mail it to where it says on the paper.